
A Family Review of STAR WARS: The Force Awakens & GIVEAWAY!

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We saw it!!!!  Our family bought our tickets to the Star Wars:  The Force Awakens movie early on Fandango when tickets first came on sale.  With pre-sale tickets toppling $100 million…before the movie has even been released, one sure hopes it’s worth all the hype!

We wanted to see it the first night, which was actually Dec. 17th in some areas, so we kept our kids up late and went.  We were going with some good friends, so we had a group of 9 of us altogether.  To ensure we all could sit near each other, we sent the dads to stand in line around 12:30pm and the rest of us joined up after school.

I’m happy to tell you the movie was worth all the hype!  It was a perfect blend of the old Star Wars meets new Star Wars with all of our favorite actors from the beginning of the Star Wars saga (minus Yoda who died in a previous movie).

With no further ado, let me give you our family review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

Rating: PG-13

Running time: 2 hours, 16 minutes

Moviegoers: Mom, Dad,  and our kids, ages 10 and 12.

Family movie faves: Inside Out, Night at the Museum, Big Hero 6, Frozen

Fave movies for grown-ups: The Age of Adeline, Vacation, Titanic, Pearl Harbor, A Time to Remember

Review of Star Wars


Star Wars The Force Awakens movie poster

The Story:

Thirty years have passed since the events of The Return of the Jedi (1983) in this thrilling new space saga.  Star Wars:  The Force Awakens shows what has happened since the Rebel Alliance defeated the second Death Star.  Yet, all these years later, the First Order continues to wage war in the galaxy, with new antagonists Captain Phasma and Kly Ren at the helm.  

Star Wars favorites, Lei, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO are runited along with a new cast of heroes including Poe Dameron (a starfighter pilot), Rey (an orphaned scavenger), Finn (former Stormtrooper), and BB-8 (a rolling droid).


What Parents May Like About this Movie

Parents will love to be reunited with favorite characters from their Star Wars childhood, including Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, as well as Chewbacca, Yoda, R2-D2, and C-3P0.  The good versus evil theme prevails with plenty of thrilling action sequences, battle scenes, and even hints of romance.


In our movie theater, the audience clapped every time a favorite hero emerged in the film.  It was a fun collaborative experience as we all cheered for our heroes of yesteryear. 


starwars55352fd36e73e BB-8

What Kids Will Like

Kids will like the characters, especially the new Droid, BB-8…look for him in the toy stores, he’ll be everywhere!  There are plenty of cool space vessels, funny looking space creatures, and foreign alien lands.  The only romance is a kiss on the forehead, so they won’t be grossed out!



One death of a hero will be hard to take for both kids and adults. (2/5)  When this scene occurs, it will be predictable for adults, but kids won’t see it coming.  Because of the closeness of the camera, this death is undeniable and emotional.

Bottom Line:

Positive themes: (3/5)

One thing I really liked about the movie was the theme of doing the right thing, even when everyone else is not.  It’s not easy to stand for what is right, and Star Wars:  The Force Awakens shows the difficulty of this action and how courage of one person can change the course of events.

starwars5669d2535a572 Rey

I also enjoyed the movie’s heroine, Rey, who showed true grit, determination, and incredible bravery, while at the same time she’s genuine and compassionate.  Rey is a good role model for girls and women.


Violence/scare factor: (3/5)

One entire village and two pilots are destroyed in the film and well as many countless others.  Though no blood is shown (except for on a white Stormtrooper helmet and drops in the snow).  There is definitely violence, I mean, of course, it’s Star Wars.  

There are a few scary looking characters (which could conjure up nightmares).  My 10 year-old-son watched the movie and loved it.  He did mention afterwards that perhaps he should watch a happy Mickey Mouse show before he goes to bed so he doesn’t have nightmares.

Also, keep in mind, the movie is over 2 hours long.  Typical Disney movies are 1 1/2 hours, so it might be tough for your children to sit in the theater for so long.  Take them to the restroom first before sitting down!  Oh, and don’t give them drinks right before the show or during it.  My son needed a restroom break at about 1 hr. and 45 minutes through the movie!

Sex/Romance: One forehead kiss. (1/5)

Bad language: Just a couple of bad words mentioned, like “dammit and hell. (1/5)

This sums up our family review of Star Wars:  The Force Awakens…without giving away too much of what happened in the movie.

For more information about this movie or to buy tickets, visit Fandango. To get another parent’s take on this film, check out Mom’s Movie Minute.  For reviews, see what the critics and the fans have to say!  Lastly, check out Fandango’s Star Wars Movie Guide, for everything Star Wars!

Even if you’re not a die-hard Star Wars fan, you will still enjoy this movie.  You don’t have to have full knowledge of previous films to appreciate The Force Awakens.  Make it easy on yourself, buy your movie tickets through Star Wars:  The Force Awakens so you don’t need to worry about the movie time you want selling out.  Enjoy the show!




Fandango Contest Star Wars

Want to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens or another movie of your choice?  We’re giving away two $100 Fandango Gift Cards!  Take the whole family to the movies…a couple of times!

Fandango is the only way we buy our movie tickets now and we want you to experience the same convenience.  Sign up below to enter.  

Contest is open to those 18+ and a resident of the 50 United States.  It ends on January 11th at 12 am.  Good luck!



Fandango Family statement


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  1. ShannonSchleif says

    We are going to see Star Wars

  2. JackieHolmstromnelson says

    can’t wait to take my grandson next week

  3. I’d like to see The Hateful 8 when it comes out!

  4. I will see lots of movies..Star Wars for one.

  5. KatieContests says

    I’d see Star Wars, definitely!

  6. marleykristin says

    I really want to see Star Wars!

    Kristin Goodson

  7. I would see Star Wars with my husband.

  8. I’d love to see Secret in Their Eyes. I love Nicole Kidman! Her acting is superb.

  9. If I win I’d love to see Joy.

  10. I would see Point Break.

  11. BridgettWilbur says

    I would go see Star wars.

  12. youngpianoman says

    I would love to see Star Wars or The Lady in the Van! Thank you!!! 🙂

  13. PrettyHotPink6 says

    I would see The Forest when it comes out.

  14. My husband has been wanting to see Creed.

  15. Laura Jacobson says

    Oh we want to see the new Star Wars movie and The Peanuts Movie!

  16. kellywcu8888 says

    I would see Point Break.

  17. alvin and the chipmunks

  18. Natalie Yarbrough says

    If I won I would love to see the new Star Wars movie!

  19. Star Wars, Alvin and the Chipmunks and Concussion!

  20. LeighAnneMillerBorders says

    I would love to take my entire family to see Star Wars.  We are big fans of the movies and hope to see this newest one soon.

  21. melissateears says

    I will probably use it to see Joy.

  22. msmaryjenkins says

    Since we did the Star Wars thing opening night, and saw Daddy’s Home on Christmas, I think we’ll watch “Sisters” next. I love the Fay/Pohler combo!  Apparently, we go to the movies a lot!

  23. My family would go see the new Star Wars! 🙂

  24. Joy or the new COncussion movie about football

  25. I will be seeing Star Wars for sure!!

  26. JamesRobert1 says

    If I won I’d give to my sister who does so much to help me out while I work with my kids. Not sure what she would see however

  27. Betsy R Barnes says

    If I won, I would take my best friend and see Sisters. Looks like a fun girls night out movie! 🙂

  28. savingsinseconds says

    We would probably go to see Star Wars. Thanks for the giveaway! 

  29. If I won I’d go see Star Wars!

  30. birdiebee52 says

    I would love to take my grandson to Star Wars and my granddaughter to the new Chipmunks movie.

  31. Natalie Brown says

    I haven’t seen the new Star Wars movie yet so I would for sure go see it. so exciting! Thank-you. 🙂

  32. I will see that new movie Zootopia! Looked hysterical

  33. DawnMonroe says

    I would go see Will Ferrel in Daddy’s Home.

  34. I would go see Daddy’s Home.

  35. GinaBadalaty says

    Good question! Probably Star Wars EpVII a third time 🙂 Hubby wants to see Concussion, so maybe that for date night.

  36. CassandraEastman says

    I would take my kids to see Kung Fu Panda 3 when it comes out in a couple weeks!

  37. laurenrambles says

    I will probably see Star Wars again 🙂

  38. I’ll take the hubby to see Point Break.

  39. BethShepherd says

    My girls really want to see the new kung fu panda movie. thank you

  40. KatySmith1 says

    Star Wars!

  41. MeghanMalicoat says

    I want to see Daddy’s Home. It looks so funny.

  42. ReggieMann says

    I will see this one – your review was excellent!!

  43. TrishDelgado says

    There are so many awesome movies coming this year so I’d see a bunch

  44. If I won, I would go see Star Wars again.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  45. I’m one of the few who hasn’t seen the new Star Wars, so I would see that first.

  46. crystalfaulkner2000 says

    We for sure would watch The Secret Life of Pets. I know there would be others as I have a 15 year old that loves to go to the movies. Thank you!

  47. addictedtorodeo says

    I definitely want to see Star Wars! We are big Star Wars fans! 
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com 
    Ashley C

  48. CleverGayle says

    I want to see Star Wars, The Hateful 8, Revenant

  49. JulieGilbert says

    I saw it 4 times. It gets better with each showing.

  50. JulieGilbert says

    addictedtorodeo It’s well-worth seeing in theaters. You prob have a few more weeks for it to be in theaters b/c it’s doing well.

  51. KimHenrichs says

    I really want to see Star Wars again and the Danish Girl!

  52. MargaretE.Smith says

    I saw Star Wars with my sons, but if I won, I’d love to go again and
    make it a date night with my husband.  He’s been wanting to see it too. 
    Thanks so much.

  53. Natashalamoreu1 says

    Definately Star Wars! My family hasn’t seen it yet.

  54. I’m not sure what movie I would see, I’ve already seen Star Wars.  There are some great movies coming out this year.

  55. JillianToo says

    I’m interested in seeing The Hateful Eight.

  56. TarahManning says

    I saw Star Wars with my husband last week, we had to go since there seem to be more and more people spoiling the movie!  haha.  I loved it, I cannot wait to see the next one next year!  

    I am looking forward to seeing Joy, it looks really good!

  57. NICKIEISIS3 says

    The deadpool movie

  58. kaflickinger74 says

    I am looking forward to seeing Star Wars, I have yet to see it. Thank you for the chance.

  59. Janice Cooper says

    I want to see Ride Along 2. This movie looks hilarious!

  60. KyleBanderman says

    I’d love to see Sisters!


    Looking forward to watch Zootopia. Trailers are so funny!!!

  62. Sisters!

  63. MelissaStorms says

    I would really like to see Joy and there are a couple movies coming out that my son wants to see.

  64. BrendaGoldberg says

    Great review. Looking forward to seeing the movie!

  65. Jack Benninger says

    I want to see Star Wars The Force Awakens.

  66. WendyWaltsRiding says

    I’d like to see this new Star Wars too!

  67. I would like to see Daddy’s Home.  Thanks! – Kimberly O

  68. Elizabeth E says

    I want to see Star Wars again in IMAX!

  69. i want to see Star Wars and Sisters

  70. I’d love to see Zootopia when it comes out.

    Name on rafflecopter:  mami2jcn

  71. AmieGeorge says

    I want to take the rest of the family to see Star Wars. I went and seen it with a friend of mine but the kids and husband didn’t get a chance to and I have no issues seeing it again.

  72. We have not yet seen Star Wars!  First on the list to see!
    Mary Beth Elderton

  73. shannonweel says

    We already saw Star Wars (loved it!, so I would love to take my kids to see The Good Dinosaur.

  74. I just saw Star Wars in the theater yesterday! I would probably hold onto the gift card and use it for Captain America: Civil War.

  75. The first movie I’d see is 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.

  76. I’d see Star Wars for a second time. 🙂 Then it depends on what’s coming to my local theaters next.

  77. TiffanyNichole1 says

    I would go see the movie Sisters with my husband.

  78. I LOVED the movie!

  79. LauraSloan says

    I’d go see Star Wars for sure

  80. libertylithiumx says

    my hubby really wanted to see star wars so I’ take him to that

  81. I’d like to see the new Star Wars movie!

  82. DarleneCarbajal2 says

    I want to see Sisters.

  83. SaeganAnderson says

    i want to go see deadpool! looks like it’s going to be sick!!!

  84. MarilynAngela41 says

    I would go see Star War’s and Joy! It’s been ages since I been to a movie. Money is tight. Last movie I seen was HP The Deathly Hallows Part 2 lol.

  85. rubylorikeet says

    Already saw Star Wars….if I win we’ll go see The Danish Girl.

  86. Priscilla S. says

    I want to see Joy.

  87. carolpjohnson says

    13 Hours:  The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

  88. marison4591 says

    If I win, I’d take my girls to The Secret Life of Pets. Or, Pride and Prejudice Zombies.

  89. prizepuzzle says

    I want to see Joy because it has such a great cast.

  90. I want to see Joy.

  91. Nicole Lancaster says

    If I win i would go on a date night and see The Revenant.

  92. If I win I will take my family to see Star Wars.  We have been trying to go for the past week and tickets are still sold out!

  93. AngelHarvellMcMore says

    We will see Star Wars. We have been wanting to see it, but we just cant get our schedules together.

  94. newnameford says

    I’d love to go see Star Wars again if I won.

  95. jenn29love says

    I would see Star Wars.

  96. Mistywoods84 says

    Star Wars and Captain America

  97. I would go see deadpool

  98. SweepsMama says

    Kids want to go see the new Alvin movie

  99. TracyShafer says

    I will take my husband to see the new Star Wars Movie

  100. KarenDrake says

    I want to see The Revenant.

  101. EugeniaHall says

    Star Wars, we haven’t had a chance to go yet.

  102. Bagelburrito says

    Definitely going to attend an Oscar-nominated movie marathon if I win!

  103. Krystal730 says

    Star Wars I haven’t got to see it yet.

  104. Would love to take all four of my boys to actually see Star Wars 🙂

  105. Just seen Star Wars the other day, so i would see Alvin and chipmunks

  106. i’ll probably go see something like the soldiers of benghazi. it’s a good date night movie since both me and my fiancé like these types of movies.

  107. I want to see Concussion!

  108. Cari Schroeder says

    I’d like to see Joy and Star Wars

  109. I want to see Revenant.

  110. Revenant is the  movie I am most looking forward to!

  111. JenniferCNP says

    I would like to see the movie Sisters.

  112. TaraZarecky says

    I would like to take the family to see The Jungle Book.

  113. heymissvirginia says

    I haven’t seen Star Wars and everybody is raving about it, so that would be my choice.

  114. usnamom2014 says

    I would go to Star Wars.

  115. susansmoaks says

    if i won i would go see star wars.  i can’t wait to see it.

  116. Stephanie Larison says

    The Star Wars movie for sure! Then we’d go see Joy.

  117. I would take my family to see the latest kids movie.  My kids are still a little young for Star Wars.

  118. TheSpazticLord says

    I would so go and see ‘The Forest’

  119. MargotCore says

    We would head out as a family to see Star Wars,The Force Awakens!
    {in the contest I am Margot C__ on the Rafflecopter}

  120. I want to see the movie Sisters and Daddy’s home.

  121. Daddy’s Home

  122. Michelle S says

    If I won I would take all my nephews to Charlie Brown, and also see Sisters.

  123. porschepuppy says

    I would like to see Sisters.

  124. chvydupont24 says

    I haven’t seen the Star Wars movie yet, so I’d love to see that.

  125. We have been looking forward to going to see Star Wars and Sisters but have not had time yet..

  126. angelababy2007 says

    We want to go see the new Star Wars movie together as a family.

  127. star wars, been waiting for the crowds to die down a bit

  128. I think we’d see Concussion.

  129. I would go see Norm of the North.

  130. I would go see Daddy’s Home 🙂

  131. AmandaSakovitz says

    Id see Star wars

  132. I would like to take my son to Star Wars.

  133. I’d go see Daddy’s Home!

  134. We want to see Star Wars again but in 3D. I’d also like to go see Alvin and the Chipmunks with my son.

  135. Stephanie Phelps says

    I would love to take the kids to see Star Wars if I win.

  136. Lisa Walker says

    I would see Star Wars and The Revenant.

  137. Richard Hicks says

    I would go see the new Star Wars

  138. Richard Hicks says

    my instagram ID is gmrich22

  139. imaclutz89 says

    I would go see Joy! I love Jennifer Lawrence!

  140. Savannah Hadden says

    Take my son to see Star Wars and then after that me and my hubby will see Daddy’s Home!

  141. I would take my husband to see Star Wars.

  142. mail4rosey says

    If I win, we’re all going to see the new Star Wars movie. We haven’t seen it yet!

  143. We would see Daddy’s Home.

  144. If I win it will definitely be Star Wars.  We loved all the earlier movies.

  145. I would see The Revenant.

  146. AshleyMarieMorrissey says

    I’d love to see Daddy’s Home!!

  147. crazyweirdo33 says

    If I win i would see the 5th wave and in the summer I’d go see finding nemo 2


  148. Carolyn Daley says

    The next movie I would see is Kung Fu Panda 3. I might also rewatch Star Wars The Force Awakens for the third time.

  149. SandraGray1 says

    I would love to see the new Star Wars movie, and also the Revenant

  150. If I win I would take our whole family to see the new Star Wars movie.

  151. I would definitely see Star Wars again, and then either The Hateful Eight or The Revenant

  152. JennyHunter says

    I will see Star Wars with my husband. He’s already seen it twice, so it’s my turn to join in the fun.

  153. Haven’t seen Star Wars yet so that will be the first one to see. 

    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  154. My family and I havent seen Star Wars yet so thats what we would see first!!  *fingers crossed!!*

  155. AudreyJarrett says

    Star Wars

  156. Thomas Murphy says

    I would see star wars.

  157. I haven’t seen Star Wars yet, so that’s what I’d see if I won.

  158. I would probably go see Star Wars. We have not seen it yet.

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