
10 Ways Tablets Help Students + Giveaway

We have used many types and sizes of tablets in our family.  Although none of my kids have their "own" tablet, tablets are freely available to use downstairs once homework is done. I recently went to my daughter's Back-to-School night at her new junior high school.  Her science teacher mentioned that tablets are allowed in the … [Read more...]

Touchjet Projector with Interactive Projection

Interactive projection? It's one of those things you have to see to believe.  After a successful Indiegogo launch, Touchjet has come out with their new projector that not only projects what's on its enclosed Android operating system, but you can actually interact with the projection enabling clicking and typing!  And believe it … [Read more...]

Using Kinsa to Track Temperatures

  The Kinsa Thermometer is one of my favorite gadgets, but fortunately, I don't need to use it too often.  It has changed the way we take and track temperatures in our household. My kids, ages 9 and 12, hate putting a thermometer under their tongue.  It has always been a struggle to get them to hold the thermometer still … [Read more...]

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