It's a new year and a good time to try to reinforce healthy habits. My ten year-old daughter is not a tooth brusher. Some people aren't bed makers, some aren't good at sports, some aren't good students, you can't be good at everything, right? Although unfortunately, trying to get out of brushing your teeth takes a toll on … [Read more...]
Need to Save Some Money? Try a DIY Gel Manicure
I love having my nails done but here's the thing, I don't like the ongoing cost of keeping them well manicured and two, I don't like the time it takes to schedule an appointment at a nail salon, drive there, and then have them done. That's time I could be with my family...or blogging! Last week at the Consumer Electronics Show last week, I … [Read more...]
Netflix Makes a Splash at CES 2014
There was no Netflix booth, yet Netflix garnered quite a bit of publicity during the recent International Consumer Electronics Show. It wasn't a booth that caught the media's attention, it was Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, who spoke during the LG Press Conference. You see, last year, the big hit of the show was the 4K televisions … [Read more...]
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