by Lori Cunningham Before BlogHer '12 began, National Geographic invited 20 bloggers to a tea nearby Sarabeth's Central Park restaurant. A beautiful setting with delicious finger foods. National Geographic shared with us a lot of their fun book titles, science projects, magazine, and new apps they have been … [Read more...]
Laser Hair Removal in Your Home?
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconectdmom) While at BlogHer '12 last month, one of my favorite products I found on the expo floor was the Tria Hair Removal Laser...for the home! I couldn't believe it that you can now conduct laser hair removal in the comfort of your own home! No extensive doctor visits, no expensive … [Read more...]
Getting a Grip on Your Phone
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) I have reviewed different ways to keep your phone "connected" to you so you don't drop it or lose it, particularly with the iKeep and iKeep charger. But the iKeep, which has a smaller profile than the iKeep Charger, only works for iPhone's, so those with an Android are out of luck. I … [Read more...]
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