by Lori Cunningham When you travel, do you end up taking a lot of chargers and cords to keep your tech life juiced up? I'm the first to admit, as a techie, I have more charging gear than the average person. Nonetheless, as gadgets continue to enhance our lives,( as I like to say), you have more to charge … [Read more...]
Touchscreen Gloves With A Silver Lining
by Debbie Tucker Welcome Debbie Tucker! Debbie Tucker is a homeschooling mom of two, ages 8 and 11. Debbie is a dedicated mom and wife who loves to spend time with her active kids and techie junkie husband. I recently had the opportunity to try Agloves Touchscreen Gloves and found they do exactly as they say. The gloves allow … [Read more...]
The New Sony Android Tablet S
by Lori Cunningham While at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, Techlicious invited me to a great mom blogger event where they showcased the new Sony Tablet S and two companies whose app/online program greatly aid moms and their families (AboutOne and A Day at Dollar General: Learn While Shopping). AboutOne has just … [Read more...]
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