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The New Face of the Samsung Smartwatch

  We are big Samsung Gear Watch fans.  We had the original Samsung Gear Watch back in 2013.  The Samsung Gear Smartwatch has changed over the years, it has gotten smaller and more stylish.  It is also the reason why I started wearing a watch again.  Is all the fun technology worth wearing a watch again?   In our … [Read more...]

Relief for Nausea in Sight on the High Seas

  Our family loves to cruise, but getting seasick is not something we handle well.  For the most part, the cruises we've taken in past years haven't caused any sea sickness, but all it takes is one rough day at sea or even a somewhat mild sea day but with ceaseless rocking. My family and I just came back from a cruise to Japan. … [Read more...]

The Difference Between the Windows vs Mac

  Unless you've been living under a rock for the last 30 years, you are likely aware that there's a bit of an ongoing kerfuffle between Windows vs Mac PC users. Though for most this rivalry is all in good fun, some show diehard allegiance to their computer of choice. Like Coke and Pepsi, Chevy versus Ford, … [Read more...]

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