by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) Not too long ago, I found out about a new gadget that puts more power into your hands when you take your car in to get it repaired. Don't you hate it when the vague "check engine" light turns on all of a sudden and you're not sure why? Or how about when you take your car in for an oil change … [Read more...]
Can You Really Wash Your Computer’s Keyboard?
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) I receive e-mail's all the time requesting our WellConnectedMom team to evaluate a company's tech products, gadgets, and gizmos. So when a request came in for a PC keyboard, I barely looked at it...until I saw the word, "washable." Washable? Were they for real? Soon after my response, I … [Read more...]
My Trial of Tria – Home Laser Hair Removal – Week 1
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) You may recall from a previous article, that I have just started my six month review of the Tria Hair Removal Laser. I have used the Tria Hair Removal one time and wanted to give you an update on how it felt and what I learned during the process. I will be writing updates periodically over … [Read more...]
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