With the Winter months over and Spring in the air, now is a good time to get out of your cocoon (home) and focus on eating well and getting in some exercise before Summer begins. I believe a good way to watch your weight is by weighing yourself daily...or at least 3-4 times a week. It's the best way to keep track of where your … [Read more...]
Best Phone Chargers: Reeljuice and Ventev
What are the best phone chargers? Well, chargers are one of those items that we don't get all excited about - waiting on pins and needles for the newest release. However, the moment your phone starts beeping that warning sound - the "you have less than 5% battery left" - you start scrambling to find the closest charger. … [Read more...]
Tired of 3 AM Fire Alarm Chirps?
We have lived in our current house for 3 1/2 years now. I think we have heard fire alarm chirps in the wee hours of the morning about 3 times now. It amazes me how the chirping always happens in the middle of the night, rather than during the day. And I know that my experience is not too uncommon … [Read more...]
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