It's Fall and school has started. Time to get my exercise schedule back in line. I love walking, it's my main exercise regime. I've been using fitness trackers for years now. I love being able to track how far I've walked and measure how many steps more to walk to make my 10,000 step goal. This Summer I have been testing out a number of … [Read more...]
BACtrack: Are YOU Safe to Drive?
Have you ever been out to dinner or to a party where you had a few drinks and wondered if you were safe to drive? Or perhaps wondered if your husband or friend were safe to drive? You probably are safe...right? The risk is far too great to hope that you are safe to drive. Especially with kids who count on you, it's best to be sure. … [Read more...]
5 Reasons to Wear a Watch Again
With all the new buzz around Apple's new Apple Watch, the question remains, will people wear a watch again? Soon after I bought my first smartphone, I stopped wearing a watch. I could look at my phone anytime I wanted to see what time it was, so why did I need a watch? Almost a year ago I started wearing a watch again, something I didn't think … [Read more...]
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