As you buy Christmas presents for others, December is a good month to find ways to cut back on current bills to afford your purchases. Is your cellular phone bill over $200 a month? Switching to Straight Talk Wireless, affordable mobile service, might be a way you can save money while taking advantage of nationwide coverage on America's largest … [Read more...]
#UnwrapINTEL Twitter Party Dec. 4 11am PT
Shopping for affordable tablets this Christmas? At our #UnwrapINTEL Twitter Party on Thursday, we'll introduce you to four affordable tablets from Intel to give you some food for thought for well as a chance to win 1 of 7 Walmart gift card prizes! Join us on Thursday, December 4th from 11am - 12pm PST as we talk tablets. RSVP for the … [Read more...]
ScanSnap Scanner – Scanning in a Snap!
Fujitsu recently came out with a new's handheld and portable and called the Fijitsu ScanSnap iX100. Now, I have used an all-in-one printer for 10+ years and I wondered, even though I love the portability of ScanSnap, would I really use it the ScanSnap scanner much? In using the ScanSnap scanner … [Read more...]
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