We have ESRB ratings for video games and the Motion Picture Rating System (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) for movies, but what ratings do we have for apps? From toddlers to teens, it would be helpful to know which apps will help to educate, entertain, and stimulate our kids without worry of inappropriate content, in-app purchases, and … [Read more...]
Keeping Your Finger on Your Pulse
It's Fall and school has started. Time to get my exercise schedule back in line. I love walking, it's my main exercise regime. I've been using fitness trackers for years now. I love being able to track how far I've walked and measure how many steps more to walk to make my 10,000 step goal. This Summer I have been testing out a number of … [Read more...]
Donuts Made Easy with the CoolDaddy Fryer
My husband has always wanted a deep fryer. After 18 years of marriage, I finally let my guard down and we got one. Deep frying can be so unhealthy. Of course, whenever I go to Islands or Red Robin, I'm always ordering my french fries extra crispy. The thing is, I don't often order fries, so it's not so bad. I feared having a deep fryer at home … [Read more...]
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