Have you noticed any of the following happening with your student? S/he is having trouble keeping up in class School is over whelming because s/he is having trouble focusing on the what the teacher is saying S/he has trouble taking notes and doesn't seem to take very good notes...or any notes... in class S/he can't remember what the … [Read more...]
Is Your Pharmacy on Your Phone?
I recently came back from a trip to Walmart.com headquarters in San Bruno, CA. Walmart.com is responsible for all Walmart websites as well as the Walmart app. Now, I know we all have hundreds of apps on our phones and it just gets too crowded to add an app for every store you visit too. But, the Walmart app is one to really consider … [Read more...]
How To Access Your Tivo Remotely
Do you hate it when you're away on a business trip and you want to catch up on your favorite show but can't? Or how about when you're on vacation with the family and the kids get upset because they can't fast forward through the commercials or watch their favorite shows on demand? Wouldn't it be great if you could access your Tivo … [Read more...]
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