Easter has passed and so has Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and New Year's. What's next? Ah yes, Mother's Day! I love Mother's Day. It's the one holiday where I don't need to do too much planning, just a little bit to ensure my Mother-in-Law is cared for. Mother's Day's Day … [Read more...]
Rocking the House with the Phorus PS5 Speaker & Giveaway!
Our family likes having sound in the background when we are in the house. A lot of times I catch my boys turning on the TV and not even really watching it. They just want the noise. We are a musical family and love listening to music but sometimes it is just simpler to turn on the TV for noise. We recently were introduced to the … [Read more...]
Use This Health Scale to Get Ready for Summer
With the Winter months over and Spring in the air, now is a good time to get out of your cocoon (home) and focus on eating well and getting in some exercise before Summer begins. I believe a good way to watch your weight is by weighing yourself daily...or at least 3-4 times a week. It's the best way to keep track of where your … [Read more...]
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