
No Wired Connection Behind Your TV?

by Lori Cunningham   In my last house, I did my due diligence and made sure that when it was built, it had a wired Ethernet connection in every bedroom.  As this was over 10 years ago, I never could have guessed the importance of having a wired Ethernet connection in the family room behind my TV.  When the emergence of SMART TV's began, … [Read more...]

Karting Around with Little BigPlanet on the PS3

by Lori Cunningham   If you or your child is a PlayStation 3 fan, you may be aware of the cute little Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet.  When LittleBigPlanet first came on the scene of video games, it was highly acclaimed.  Young gamers quickly fell in love with this cute little knitted fella who always found himself in big … [Read more...]

Give Your Eyes a Break with Gunnar Glasses

by Lori Cunningham   Now for a slight deviation from the usual tech & gadgets talk.  While at the Consumer Electronics Show, I stumbled upon a booth full of...eyeglasses?  That's odd, I thought.  Upon further investigation, I discovered that Gunnar glasses were designed especially for today's PC/Mac users.  And who doesn't use a … [Read more...]

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