The newest trend in home offices and modern workspaces is the standing desk. The benefits of a standing desk include better posture, it may reduce back pain, and you can lose 50 calories per hour more than sitting. However, standing in front of a standing desk all day can be tough on your legs and joints. Look no further … [Read more...]
Top 10 Tech Christmas Gift Ideas for Moms 2017
Merry Christmas! Moms do a lot for their families. They often put family members first above themselves. This year's tech Christmas gift ideas include ideas for family fun, different ways to interact and store family pictures, a remarkable product to help with stress, get rid of those nagging pains, and even … [Read more...]
Grads & Dads, & Cool Do-Dads 2017
Looking for the perfect graduation and/or Father's Day present? Who doesn't like tech? We've tested some pretty cool gadgets that add fun and functionality to one's life. Here are 5 great gift suggestions to get you started! Grads & Dads & Do-Dads Chromecast Audio Synced Stereo … [Read more...]
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