Like many Americans, I have a job where I sit at a desk for most of the day. Studies have shown that increased time sitting can be harmful to your health. The Mayo Clinic shares, "One study compared adults who spent less than two hours a day in front of the TV or other screen-based entertainment with those who … [Read more...]
You’re Steps Away from Losing Weight
Thank you Nokia for sponsoring this post. Invest in your health by purchasing a Nokia Steel HR for yourself! It's a New Year and a great time to step it up with regards to your health and fitness. We all have good intentions to exercise and watch our weight. But oftentimes, the busyness and stresses of the day cause us to … [Read more...]
Now You Can Check Your Vision at Home
When my son was two, I had Lasik eye surgery. Previously, my eyes were 20/200, they were terrible. Afterward, my vision was 20/15. I'll never forget how it felt to wake up the next morning and be able to see. I no longer needed to reach for my glasses. There was so much more light on the things, it was … [Read more...]
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