
FUTURE: Kinsa Connected Health Thermometer

by Lori Cunningham   Earlier this month we reviewed INRIX, a free traffic monitor app that gets data from other drivers.  Once an accident happens, INRIX users are faithful to report it, ensuring other INRIX users don't get ensnared in the same trap.  I've used it a number of times now to travel to Los Angeles and found it very helpful. … [Read more...]

A Glimpse Into Tomorrow’s Kitchens

by Lori Cunningham   Imagine a kitchen without plugs.  Imagine a kitchen where the products you buy automatically update your shopping list when they are getting close to empty?  How about groceries illuminating as you walk nearby them at the grocery store?  All of these things are available today, only, they are cost prohibitive due to … [Read more...]

Avoiding Internet Gridlock with Too Many Connected Devices at Home

by Lori Cunningham     At WellConnectedMom.com, we've talked about wireless routers before.  I love technology, but I'll admit, routers used to scare me.  So, what is a router?  It's a device that brings Internet into your house and usually comes from your phone or cable company.  Typically it resides in a closet somewhere and … [Read more...]

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