
Preventing Cracked Screens with Glass Screen Protectors

  I remember how excited I was to get my first HTC phone a number years ago, it was the HTC Amaze.  It was so cool.  Unfortunately, it only lasted 24 hours before I cracked it.  I had the phone on my lap, forgot about it, and got out of the car.  Murphy's Law demands that of course, it would land screen down on the hard … [Read more...]

How to Add iOS Parental Controls on Your Teen’s iPhone or iPad

  Whether you're buying your teen a new iPhone or iPad for Christmas or a birthday or your teen already has an iPhone or iPad, we recommend setting up parental controls.   It's always easier to start with parental controls like blocking websites, app use, and downloads, etc. and add more freedom as your teen shows s/he is … [Read more...]

3 Unique USB Chargers to Power Your Devices

  There is a lot of innovation in technology these days.  It never ceases to amaze me what innovators dream up next.  You wouldn't think there is much that can be done with USB chargers that doesn't already exist...but there is! We recently tested three very creative USB chargers whose companies are thinking outside of the box … [Read more...]

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