OK, admit it, how many of you have tried to use your phone as a mirror? Perhaps you used your camera or even video camera to see if there's something in your teeth or if your lipstick is applied correctly. I know I'm guilty. And every time I do it I'm disappointed. The camera is just not strong enough to get a good view. A friend of … [Read more...]
Upgrading to a New Phone? How to Transfer Contacts
October 22, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
by Lori Cunningham I recently upgraded my phone from a Samsung Galaxy SIII to a Galaxy S4, while at the same time, upgrading my husband's phone from the myTouch4G to the Samsung Galaxy SIII. Typically, I never transfer over the information from my old phone to my new phone, but I always seem to run into some issues like not being able … [Read more...]
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