
Win a Phone and Tablet Combo! Meet the ASUS PadFone X Mini

  Devices and more devices! In this age of electronics, my family has way too many electronic devices! They all serve a different purpose and therefore are for the most part necessary but they definitely start accumulating. We have a laptop for those things that we can’t do on our tablets, we have tablets for every day stuff and we have … [Read more...]

Quandary App – Designed to Teach Kids Problem Solving Skills

    My 11-year-ld daughter and I have been playing a different kind of game lately, it's an app called Quandary.  It's designed to teach and practice skills...no, not skills like mathematics, reading, social studies, etc.  The Quandary app (and website) is designed to help kids develop critical thinking, decision making, and … [Read more...]

Keurig 2.0 for Four

Don't you just love a fresh cup of good coffee?  Perhaps you are already a Keurig user and you're really enjoying your single cup of coffee each day. But what about the times you have guests over and making a single cup for each guest gets rather tedious?  Wouldn't it be good to have the flexibility to make a single cup one day and a carafe full … [Read more...]

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