by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) Editors Note: Congratulations to Sharon from Wisconsin for winning her own iPieces Pool Set for her iPad! I remember when the iPad first came out, I couldn't get over being able to play one of my favorite games, Air Hockey, on the iPad using just my fingers. How cool is that? My family played iPad Air … [Read more...]
Giving Your Kids the Freedom to Share Pictures Online
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) I'm sure you've heard the debates about whether or not Facebook should allow kids ages 13 and under to use Facebook. Although there are already millions of underaged kids registered on Facebook, it brings inherent dangers to your child, opening up the possibility of strangers contacting your child … [Read more...]
Is that an iPhone You are Wearing or is it Your Latest Fashion Accessory?
by Betsy Jewell Welcome to my world -- one mom, one dad, two boys, one iPad, two Kindles, two iPods, and two iPhones. Plus a whole bunch of computers, but that's another story for another time. Like most families, we are always on the go. And whether we are taking a long road trip to visit family and friends, or whether we're out and … [Read more...]
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