
Setting Up A Home Security System in Minutes!

    With today's technology, it's never been easier to set up a security system for your home or apartment...all by yourself!   Forget wiring your home with surveillance cables and paying a monthly bill.  Now, setting up a home security system in minutes is possible with the Canary Indoor Wireless High-Definition … [Read more...]

Why Parental Monitoring Apps Are Necessary

When it comes to tweens and teens and cellphones, there are two philosophies.  One camp of parents believe that everything a child does on a cellphone should be monitored.  The other camp believes that children deserve their privacy and if their kid is a good kid, surveillance isn't needed. Having heard a number of stories from parents through … [Read more...]

DIY Home Security System with Netgear Arlo!

The Netgear Arlo Smart Home Security system is a great way to protect your home against burglary and vandalism without having to pay the high monthly fees associated with many home security systems.  As an added bonus, you can keep an eye on your children or pets when you are not at home! Set-Up was a Snap! The Arlo system comes with a base unit … [Read more...]

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