If your children are looking for a new game app to keep them busy this summer, Horse Haven World Adventures is definitely worth consideration. The Horse Haven app allows users to design their own farms, breed horses, and race them. Users can pet, feed, and brush their horses. When they join with other friends, they can have even more … [Read more...]
LightUp Possibilities in Your Child’s Mind
We are excited to tell you about a hands-on STEM learning engineering toy, the LightUp Edison Kit. As you know, we are big fans of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) products for kids at WellConnectedMom. Anything that helps kids better understand how any of these subject areas can actually be fun and thought-provoking are an A+ … [Read more...]
Super Charge Your Charging Station
As a Walmart Mom, I spend quite a bit of my time at Walmart. I'm always scouring the store for cool electronics at reasonable prices. On my recent visit to Walmart, I spent 2 1/2 hours going through nearly every department...except for the clothing and grocery areas. Some of my favorite finds from the past are the Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker, … [Read more...]
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