by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) It's hard to believe the Holidays are already upon us. I have always found it helpful to begin shopping early. Before kids, I started my shopping process in September. Now, well, I tend to procrastinate a little more...or maybe it's because I just don't have enough time! But one thing … [Read more...]
Bringing Your Smartphone to the Big Screen
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) Cellphones nowadays are used for so many things, but one of their handiest features...besides using them to call to take pictures. I use my camera all the time to take pictures of my kids playing in the yard, my son bored at the store, my husband hanging up Christmas … [Read more...]
Can You Really Play Pool on Your iPad…with Cues???
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) Editors Note: Congratulations to Sharon from Wisconsin for winning her own iPieces Pool Set for her iPad! I remember when the iPad first came out, I couldn't get over being able to play one of my favorite games, Air Hockey, on the iPad using just my fingers. How cool is that? My family played iPad Air … [Read more...]
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