It's so sad. The last days (weeks) of Summer are here. With my daughter's high school volleyball practices starting this week, it reminds me that she will begin her second year of high school in just two weeks. Before too long, we will all be in the throes of school and the busyness of the Fall. Before Summer gets … [Read more...]
Buying your Tween’s First Phone – What To Know
This is the second article in our series on parental advice for tweens and teens and their phones. This first article, Parental Advice Before Giving Your Child a Phone, published last week. The time has come. Your child is no longer interested in dolls, Barbies, race cars, or Pogo sticks. Now, s/he … [Read more...]
Parental Advice Before Giving Your Child a Phone
This article is first in our popular repeated series of three articles geared towards educating parents and helping them to set limits on the phones they "lend" their tweens and teens. Thinking of giving your child a phone? What should you know before your child first turns on his/her phone for the first … [Read more...]
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