Both of my parents are now gone. My Dad passed away nearly 20 years ago and my Mom almost 4 years ago now. I miss their phone calls, the concern they had for me, learning about my ancestors, and hearing their voices.
I remember when my brother joked with me, “we’re orphans now.” Though I’m sad that I have no one who raised me around, I feel better knowing that I did take the time to get to know my Mom better while she was still alive.
Documenting My Mom’s History
About 10 years ago, before I started, I had the intense desire to document my Mom’s life. I wanted to know all about her. Knowing that she’d never miss a week without her hair perm appointment, I wanted to know when she first starting perming her hair. I wanted to know the details about how and when she first met my dad.
You see, as children, these questions never enter our mind. After all, it’s all about us, no? As I grew into adulthood and began to appreciate my parents more and then suddenly lost my Dad in my 20’s, I began to value my upbringing and childhood…and those who raised me.
So I came up with a list of questions, (similar to these), to ask my Mom and I began interviewing her with my video camera rolling. As she answered my questions, I typed them into my computer. You see, I didn’t really need the video to capture her words, I had my typing for that.
I captured the video so that one day I could watch her animated reactions to things and relish seeing her talk to me one more time…after her passing I am blessed to still have these videos.
At one point, I had a lot of written answers about my Mom’s life and some great video footage, but I needed pictures. At the time, I had tons of pictures, but most of them were in cumbersome photo albums. It took a TON of time to un-affix them, scan them, and put them back into the photo album. I’m talking hours and hours.
The good news for you, is that you won’t need to do this for your albums. In our Mother’s Day Gadget Gift Guide this year, we highlighted a great family mobile scanner product called Flip-Pal.
Flip-Pal – the Family Mobile Scanner
The Flip-Pal family mobile scanner is just that – mobile. No wires, no heavy scanner that you can’t easily lift and take with you. The Flip-Pal is very lightweight and can even be placed in your purse or backpack for on-the-go. Great for scanning pictures at your mom or dad’s house, your sister’s house…or upstairs in your house, where your photo albums are.
Here’s a picture of my husband’s great grandparents, I recently scanned in. It captures their youth and the fun they had together.
There is no need to be connected to a computer, the Flip-Pal houses a SD card to store all of your scans. Scan pictures, documents, coins, jewelry, medals, documents, the kids’ artwork and so much more. I love the flexibility of this scanner.
Flip-Pal knows the value its family mobile scanner brings to your life and interests. They have a number of bloggers writing ongoing articles on their website with regards to crafting, genealogy, preserving, connecting lives, scanning tips, and more. Dependent upon your interest, there’s a wealth of information on their website.
I had the opportunity to meet Flip-Pal’s Marketing Director while at CES. I loved her enthusiasm for what Flip-Pal can do. I gelt her genuine interest for helping families preserve their past. Flip-Pal is not a big conglomerate, big-spending company, it’s still owned by the inventor of the Flip-Pal.
Scan Yearbooks and Photo Albums Easily!
The Flip-Pal family mobile scanner is so versatile, you can take the lid off the top of the scanner, turn the scanner upside down, and scan photo albums, magazines, newspapers, and yearbooks with it.
I decided to take out my Dad’s old yearbooks and scan the pictures so we have them in our family digital collection. I scanned in several pictures of my Dad in different activities. I have a number of other yearbooks I plan to scan it while I’m waiting for my kids during their gymnastics’ class. I just load up my backpack with my Dad’s old yearbooks and the scanner and I have a mobile office with me!
Stitching Software

As a part of the Flip-Pal family mobile scanner, wireless version we tested, Flip-Pal’s Toolbox 4 software was included. I was a little hesitant to test it. You see, Flip-Pal allows you to take pictures that are too big or long and scan in sections of it. Their stitching software will stitch it together. I had my doubts, but I tried it several times after scanning in pictures from my Dad’s old high school yearbook. These pictures above are the two scans I took.
Here’s the picture I got after the software stitched together the two scans. It looks great!
- 4×6 single scan area
- Ability to scan larger originals by stitching individual scans together
- Scan resolution options from 300 x 300 dpi to 600 x 600 dpi
- Shows a 1.7 inch color LCD thumbnail picture of the scan in progress as well as scanned images on the SD card
- Can scan up to 150 scans (with alkaline batteries – included) up to 500 scans (using NiMH rechargeable batteries)
- Comes with an included 4 GB SD card, holding up to 1600 scans at 600 dpi
- Works with Windows and Mac
- Can scan pictures/things where they are – like a picture in an album
- Software comes on the SD card – no CD needed
- Very lightweight – just over a pound
- No cords – take with you anywhere
- Can place scanner on a newspaper, photo album, or yearbook to scan
- Can “stitch” together scans for larger documents/artwork using their software
- Easy-to-use – just press the big green button
- No need to drag home photo books from your parent’s house, take the Flip-Pal with you to their house
- Free app to record voice with your scanned photos for living pictures
- Would be nice if it were larger, like 8 x 10
- Is a little pricey
The Flip-Pal family mobile scanner sells for $149.99 with free shipping in the United States. But for $30 more, you can get the Flip-Pal Wireless Scanner for $179.98.
I highly recommend the wireless family mobile scanner because it includes a 4 GB Eye-Fi card that allows you to send scanned pictures directly (wirelessly) to your phone, you can then add voice to your scans to make the pictures come alive.
The Eye-Fi SD card also contains software on its card so you can open up your scans on your computer and stitch your photos together, like I did with my Dad’s German Club yearbook scans.
A Mom’s Perspective
I am so thankful that I took the time to document my Mom’s life while she was alive. From the photos I scanned in and the notes I took of her, I created a great keepsake book, one that I’ll always treasure.
If you haven’t made the time to ask your parent’s questions about their lives, scanned in old photos from their old photo albums, or took video footage of them responding to questions you’ve asked them, it’s not too late if they are still living.
Start off by video taping your parent(s) answering your questions. Then scan in old pictures – do a little at a time. Once you have the media ready, creating a video or book is much easier to get started.
Believe me, I know it’s an overwhelming project at a time when you’re life is already very busy. But the book I put together for my Mom became apart of my family’s heritage.
I’ll never forget giving the book I created to my Mom for Christmas one year, her expression was priceless.
Now, I have made several copies and each of my children will have a book of their Gram to pass onto their children. And I have the perfect memorial of my Mom that I can open up anytime and reminisce my time with her.
Using a family mobile scanner like Flip-Pal, is an easy way to begin documenting your family history and your kid’s lives as well.
I have scanned in a few pictures of projects my kids have done and using the Flip-Pal app, have had my kids narrate the artwork they did. What a keepsake.
Tell us, what family preservation projects are you working on…or hope to work on one day?
* I was given a Flip-Pal family mobile scanner with wireless capabilities in exchange for my honest opinion. All thoughts are my own.
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