
Full-Time Mom Sets Out on New Adventure

I’m new to blogging. I’ve been a full-time mom now for over 6 years. I have a 6 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. After working in the corporate world for 12 years, I never would have imagined that I could enjoy being home with my children so much.

The kudos are much different as a full-time mom than when I worked – before kids. I no longer receive increases, promotions, praises, incentives, travel allowances, etc. I don’t move ahead by completing more laundry loads than anyone thought possible. Nor do I get recognition for miraculously schlepping the kids from doctors appointments to gym class to art class to play date all in one day. However, the hugs, kisses, and “I love you’s,” I receive on a daily basis are priceless. I never got any of these working for corporate America.

My son will be attending part-time preschool in September. It will be the first time I will actually have “free-time” on a consistant basis since my daughter was born. Hence, now is the time for a new adventure. I LOVE technology and have always had a passion for new gadets, gizmo’s, software that makes life more efficient and increases communication. So I am beginning this blog to provide other moms with information about resources they may not have known about or even had the time to learn about.

As I write this blog, leave me feedback about certain areas of technology you’d like to hear more about, for example the best smart media phones and how they can help streamline your life, why use Outlook or another online calendar, what are the pro’s and con’s between different online picture sites, what’s the best way to print out your digital pics, etc.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure and let’s enjoy the ride!


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  1. june.hendley says

    Hey Lori,I'm glad to have checked out your site! My husband, Joel, is a computer geek and loves technology. He'll buy something for me that he thinks will make life easier for me. My initial reaction…."AAAAAHHHH. I don't want to learn something new! I've got no time!" I'm sure none of your readers can relate (a bit of sarcasm there). Well, after some time, he'll approach me again, and I give in and see what it is he bought for me/or what he installed…..and I find that I just LOVE it. I am excited that you are blogging! One of my interests is following food blogs…I just love to eat. We have a recipe program that allows me to enter all my favorite recipes. It's called "Measuring Cup" and it was free. In case you're needing something to research, are there any better recipe programs out there that you're aware of? Ones that have a link between recipes – grocery shopping?Thanks,June Hendley

  2. Hi June!Yes, it's amazing the time technology and gadgets can save us if we just take some time to realize their potential.I'm always open for suggestions about what to write about – that's why I wrote about printing digital pictures. Like you, I'm a foodie too! And I was just thinking about writing an article on my favorite recipe site. So now that you've asked, I'll begin working on it!Lori

  3. Thanks,June Hendley https://baocaosuhome.com/chong-xuat-tinh-som

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