
Married Moms…Would You Give Up Your Engagement Ring Before Your Phone?

by Lori Cunningham


Being a tech mom, I am always interested in research done about moms and their technology.  I recently came across a study McCann Truth Central conducted and published this month.  In their global study, they surveyed 6,800 moms online in the US, UK, Italy, Japan, Brazil, China, India and Mexico as well as conducted 40 focus groups.  McCann Truth Central found that 67% of moms studied believed that technology makes them better moms.  In emerging markets 91% of moms studied believed this in China and 90% in India.
 “Although we often look at moms in emotional terms,” said Daryl Lee, Chief Strategy Officer, McCann Erickson, “indeed they are smart economic agents who use technology in ways that push boundaries. In countries like China, for instance, where reliable referrals are limited, mom bloggers are banding together to find the truth. To earn their attention, brands need to earn their respect.” 

Would You Give Up Your Engagement Ring?


According to 49% of married moms in the study, they would give up their engagement ring before giving up their personal technology.  Wow.  Now I wonder if engaged women would answer the same way!  Nonetheless, it gives you an idea of the importance of technology in our lives.  This sentiment is similar in young adults.  In the article we posted on Surburbia…A Thing of the Past?, young adults would give up having a car before they would give up their mobile phones.
Mobile phones and technology are a vital link in sharing with other moms and obtaining much needed advice from someone who’s been there.  Motherhood brings women into a whole new world…and a whole new club.  Moms become very reliant on other moms for suggestions,sharing, favors, and advice.  This is known as the Mom Economy, a unique ecosystem that brings support and care to millions of moms each day.

The Mom Economy


Moms benefit from other moms on a daily basis, either in person or online.  According to the study, all moms have the desire to contribute in some way:

  • 88% of moms say that after hearing an interesting idea or advice about being a parent they want to share it
  • 37% say they want to share this idea/advice with as many parents as they can
  • 75% of moms say that they are asked by other moms where they bought an item and how they were able to get a good deal on it
  • 81% of moms see themselves as an “expert” in one or more “mom” subjects stemming from craft ideas to child education
Mom groups have always been around, but the Mom Economy has vastly expanded thanks to technology.  Moms are using technology to be more efficient, expand their network of connections, become a more prudent shopper, and become entrepreneurs.  The study showed that 85% of moms agree that technology simplifies their life.
A mom is no longer “just a mom,” as society has labeled her for decades.  Moms recognize their value to both the family and the economy.  Like never before moms are setting out to brand themselves and their knowledge becoming sought after consultants, conference speakers, entrepreneurs, and spokespersons for companies.
The ultimate tool for building your brand is through blogging.  A mom’s blog is a mecca of useful relevant information that other moms are searching for.  In the Mom Economy, expertise is the vital currency which opens doors for opportunities.  According to McCann Truth, nearly 40% of moms online around the world write for a blog and 86% in China using Weibo.


“Modern mom isn’t a homemaker she is a family visionary.”  – Truth About Moms Report, McCann Truth


Moms are no longer seen as the gatekeeper to the family but instead the game changer.  They are no longer seen as the major holder of the purse strings, but vital to powering the economy and brands have been taking notice.  Brands are realizing that celebrities are no longer the #1 trusted individuals that moms are listening to.  Bloggers are a force to be reckoned with and companies are beginning to enlist mom bloggers as their spokespeople/ambassadors.

Technology and Kids


Moms agree that technology is important for their childrens’ growth and interests.  The McCann Truth study showed that 80% of moms said they were sharing technology with their children in some way, most with regards to education.  Moms reported spending time often in using a computer to help their children with their homework or their budding interests.  Almost a quarter of moms reported it works both ways, their kids are teaching them about using technology also.
Due to our reliance on technology, technology brings happiness in kids’ lives.  Technology gives moms the opportunity to find ways to use it as a reward for good behavior.  Moms are twice as likely to treat their kids with technology over chocolate.  My!  How times are changing!
Technology cannot be overlooked not only as a reward but as a building block to your child’s future.  According to the study,
“The most resourceful moms are working to fit as much education and enrichment into technology experiences as possible”  – Truth About Moms Report, McCann Truth




Nonetheless, moms are still looking for advice as to when and what type of technology is best for their kids.  WellConnectedMom.com was created to provide information on technology and gadgets in a way that is relevant to moms and family life.  Never hesitate to add a comment to ask your questions. It could end up as one of our next posts.  We’re moms too and we’re here to help.



SOURCE:  McCann Erickson for information and graphics


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