Getting paid for your daily searching has been around for a while. There are a lot of companies who do it but many are unscrupulous, scanning your searches to serve you up more ads or collecting personal information to sell to advertisers. I have never participated in these programs...until now. There's a new search income company … [Read more...]
Grilling Safe this Memorial Day
I remember when digital meat thermometers first came out. Digital meat thermometers allow you to insert a probe into your food while on the grill, to check the internal temperature of your meat. I love it, it takes all the guess-work out of whether your meat is ready to take off the grill or not. I couldn't wait to get one for my husband, but he … [Read more...]
Sharing is Easy with the SanDisk Connect Wireless Media Drive
One of our favorite devices we reviewed last Summer was the SanDisk Connect Wireless Flash Drive that we highlighted in our article, 10 Family Tech Tools for the Open Road. It's a flash drive that you can store your pictures, videos, and music on and through its own hotspot, you can connect up to 6 mobile devices to stream or view the … [Read more...]
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