by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) Editor's Note: If you're not a current subscriber, now's the time to do it. We will be hosting a number of fun giveaways these next two months! We have two going on now - check out our giveaways at the end of these articles: Win a $99 Breville Immersion Blender and a Pressman iPieces pool table, complete … [Read more...]
T-Mobile MyTouch Updated
by Lori Cunningham (@wellconnectdmom) I did not get my first smartphone until 2010. As a WellConnectedMom, I felt behind the times. I had a cellphone for many years before, but it was hard for me to bite the bullet and pay the monthly data fees...times two - for my husband and myself. I feared that once I started using a smartphone, … [Read more...]
Star Wars Kinect – Learn the Force Without a Controller
By Mike Bowser Editors Note: Please welcome Mike Bowser as one of our dad contributors. A busy father of 4, and a gamer at heart, Mike thrives on technology both at work, as a Software programmer, and at home. Mike is a bona-fide Star Wars fan, avidly seeking Star Wars experiences and memorabilia at every turn. He was more than up for the … [Read more...]
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