This is the third article in our series on parental advice for tweens and teens and their phones. This first article, Parental Advice Before Giving Your Child a Phone, published first followed by Buying Your Tween's First Phone, What to Know. Like adults, kids LOVE their apps. According to a recent Pew Center report on … [Read more...]
TECHNOTES: Gluten-Free? Technology Can Help
Whether you've been diagnosed with Celiac disease or just want to eat gluten-free for a healthier lifestyle, going breadless can be a daunting task. I know, I've been gluten-free for five years now. After suffering from symptoms for 8 years and going through two colonoscopies with a "nothing's wrong," synopsis, I took to … [Read more...]
Buying your Tween’s First Phone – What To Know
This is the second article in our series on parental advice for tweens and teens and their phones. This first article, Parental Advice Before Giving Your Child a Phone, published last week. The time has come. Your child is no longer interested in dolls, Barbies, race cars, or Pogo sticks. Now, s/he … [Read more...]
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