By now you've probably heard of blue light that is emitted from the screens we are constantly glued to. It comes from our phones, tablets, PC's, even our TV's. Screens send out strong light waves which cause eye strain, headaches, watery eyes, blurred vision, and fatigue. The eye can perceive the entire spectrum of … [Read more...]
Top Kid-Friendly Video Games from E3 2017
Every year, the newest video games coming this Fall (or a little later) are announced at the E3 gaming convention. It is not open to the public, it is intended for trade (corporate or small company video game buyers) only. The latest video games and next releases of top video games are announced. The biggest … [Read more...]
Kids Can Code with Let’s Start Coding
You hear this buzz word all the time: coding. Even more, you hear how important coding is for kids. But, as a mom, I am a little clueless what it really means "to code?" After doing a little looking on the internet I found a great article by DailyTekk called "What is Coding?". What I learned from the article: Coding is: a set … [Read more...]
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