Samsung recently came out with their latest watch, the Samsung Gear S3. This is their third rendition of their watch and we've owned and used all three of them. After years of living without a watch and using my phone for the time, I was amazed at how quickly I re-adapted to wearing a watch again. Why? … [Read more...]
Making Your Favorite Items Trackable
We have covered using a "trackable" before, like our review of Tile, which keeps track of your belongings through a small Bluetooth device attached to your keys, purse, backpack, briefcase, dog, etc. A trackable is a very handy piece of technology. There are growing number of trackable devices on the market, we've seen about 6-8 … [Read more...]
Make Your Home a Smart Home with Switchmate
Setting up your home as a smart home has been all the rage these past 5+ years. A smart home can control your lights, thermometer, music, and more. Although many people have jumped on the Smart Home bandwagon, there are still are a number who have not due to a lack of understanding how to use it, a lack of technical … [Read more...]
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