There are so many different kitchen appliances available today, it gets overwhelming! I'm sure if you did a count of the number of appliances in your kitchen, it would be at least 10. We have reviewed a number of fun and/or helpful kitchen appliances at WellConnectedMom and there are a number of them that still get … [Read more...]
Cut The Cord and Watch All The TV You Want
by Samantha Rivers The reports of television's "death is greatly exaggerated," to borrow a famous quote from Mark Twain. What cannot be denied, however, is that more and more people have "cut the cord." With so many ways to view television and film content, many are starting to realize that cable television is both … [Read more...]
Dorm Tech Hacks – Amp Up the Experience!
Last month, we wrote about some great gadgets in our Back-to-School Guide for high school students and college students. I recently saw a picture on Facebook of my friend's freshmen son's desk in his dorm. It was all tech'd out with a great computer and 3 PC monitors! Two things we know about college … [Read more...]
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