Fall is busy with full school days, sports practice, dance class, karate, tutoring, church groups, etc. Finding the time to make a meal where the family can have a quick dinner together can be taxing.
We are big fans of the CrockPot. With a little preparation in the morning, the whole family can come together for a quick meal before departing to various activities or come home after a busy afternoon and evening full of activities and find dinner waiting for you.
We’re excited to tell you about CrockPot’s fun CrockStar Selife Contest in addition to updating you on one of their newest CrockPots.
A couple of weeks ago we reviewed the CrockPot Casserole Crock and found it a great change from your typical CrockPot stews. Last year for the Holidays, we reviewed CrockPot Hook-Ups which enhances your buffets while keeping your food warm. Today, we’ll cover the new Cook and Travel Portable Crockpot.
Cook and Travel Portable CrockPot
CrockPot recently introduced their entertaining Cook and Travel Portable CrockPot with its big durable handles, a handy locking lid to prevent spills, a cord wrap to keep the cord out of the way, and a temperature gauge which tells you how hot your food is when traveling.
With it’s dense stoneware pot, the Cook and Travel Portable CrockPot keeps food longer and you will find that a power plug is not necessary to keep the food warm as you previously thought. The temperature gauge is really handy in helping you feel secure about your food’s warmth. I tested this feature by clamping on the lid and I found the food to be hot for hours, even after I unplugged the power cord. This is such a great feature. I like using this feature for keeping our food warm, without having to select “Warm,” which would continue to heat the dinner.
The Cook and Travel Portable CrockPot also features programmable controls to make cooking easier including four preset time settings with an auto-shift to warm feature and a count-up timer.
The Cook and Travel Portable CrockPot can be purchased at Walmart.com for $39.00. Walmart has many other CrockPots available online as well.
Crock-Pot Crock Star Contest
CrockPot is always looking for great recipes to help making meals easier so they are sponsoring a fun contest we thought you’d be interested in. From now until October 31st, you can enter their #CrockStars contest by submitting a one minute video to show your original CrockPot recipe and how you prepare it.
Contest Details:
Go to CrockStars.com before October 31 and submit:
- your 1-minute “CrockStar Selfie video” prepping your favorite original slow cooker recipe using a Crock-Pot Slow Cooker
- your original recipe
- follow all contest rules noted on the site for eligibility
The winner of the CrockPot CrockStar Selife contest will earn the title of 2014 Ultimate Crock-Pot Crock-Star,” and be featured on Crock-Pot.com. Oh yeah, and you’ll win the grand prize of $5,000. Think of how many slow cooker meals you could make with $5,000!
Isn’t A Video a Lot of Work?
Now you may be thinking..
” I don’t want to do a CrockStar Selfie video, sounds like too much work and how will I show how to make my meal in only 1 minute?”
Let me make it easier for you.
Video Steps:
1. Place all your ingredients together
2. Have ingredients measured out already in measuring spoons and measuring cups
3. If you need to brown meat ahead of time or saute something, have it done and in a bowl
4. Mark up a sheet of paper stating the name of your recipe to show at the beginning of your video. Use BIG LETTERING (Optional)
5. Use your phone to shoot the video with one hand and use the other one to drop the ingredients in your CrockPot
6. After you’re done with your video, go to CrockStars.com to upload your video and enter the contest
7. Lastly, upload your original recipe
The CrockStar Selfie contest asks you to show the prepping of your dish. If you know how to stitch or edit together two videos, you can add the finished product, but CrockPot is not asking you to as a part of the CrockStar Selfie contest.
Here’s a quick one +minute video I made to show you how easy it is. In your video, however, you should show how you drop your ingredients into the CrockPot. It took me 10 minutes to get my ingredients ready and 5 minutes to shoot. Easy. Oh, and don’t worry about adding music, pictures, and subtitles. I did all of that for you. Just show your video.
If you enter the CrockStar Selfie contest, let us know, we’d love to see your video. Leave us a comment and describe your video, we’ll look it up.
Good luck and remember the CrockPot CrockStar Selife Contest ends October 31st!
My original Chicken Pumpkin Pasta CrockPot Dish. Looks Good, Doesn’t?
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