
Why I Chose Android Over the iPhone 4

by Lori Cunningham I used a Blackberry for the past 4 years.  Other than my brief stint with the Tilt2 Windows phone, I had not used the Android or the iPhone.  Due to my interest in home technology, I have been aware that the iPhone/iPad is the best solution for home control.  This is due to the number of applications created for the Apple … [Read more...]

Should I Buy an iPad 2?

by Lori Cunningham    With the iPad 2 recently hitting the market, there was a replay of all the flurry that accompanied the original iPad introduction over one year ago.  Only it's different this time because it's the masses (not the bleeding edge tech lovers) that are interested in getting their hands on an updated iPad.    According to … [Read more...]

It’s Here!!! The New Apple iPad 2!

by Lori Cunningham Hot off the press!  The new Apple iPad 2 is now official and will be available....in just 9 days!  The official launch date is March 11th at 5pm at your local Apple Store.  Pricing for the iPad 2 will start at $499.  You can order online from Apple on March 11th as well...with free shipping. Features Include: Lighter - … [Read more...]

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