by Shellie Driscoll When I was in 6th grade I remember sitting in front of a large electronic typewriter for the first time and I felt very overwhelmed. Not only because of the sheer size of the typewriter but the keyboard looked more like a jumbled bunch of letters. Eventually I did learn to type but let's be honest, the process of … [Read more...]
Bring the Spells of Harry Potter Alive
by Lori Cunningham One of the top 10 gifts for Christmas for kids we recommended in December was the PlayStation's Wonderbook Book of Spells, which is a great game to have if you have a Harry Potter in the family. My ten-year-old daughter is a huge fan and has read all 7 of them and has watched the various movies countless … [Read more...]
A New PlayStation is Coming!
by Lori Cunningham As many of you know, the WellConnectedMom is an ambassador for the PlayStation Family. We have enjoyed this relationship now for nearly 1 1/2 years. Before the ambassadorship, I hadn't had much exposure to the PlayStation system. I knew that it was the ultimate gaming console for teens and hardcore … [Read more...]
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