
Survey: Moms & Technology

Please Help A Student with Her Project:  I received an e-mail from Sonya Li, a Masters candidate at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism (my alma mater).  Sonya  is studying the relationship between women and consumer electronics. She is currently seeking mothers who use technology ranging … [Read more...]

How Many Gadgets Do You Plug in and UnPlug?

 by Lori Cunningham      Congratulations to Marilyn Schwartz for winning a free FujiFilm's SeeHere.com Photobook for Mother's Day!   Is Charging Your Devices Like a Web of Wires?     I don't know about you, but I'm tired of plugging in and unplugging all the chargers for my devices.  I HAVE to plug in my phone each night so I can be sure to … [Read more...]

Creating A Book of Memories

by Lori Cunningham     Mother's Day is just around the corner.  What do you get a mother who has everything she needs and doesn't want any more knick-knacks?  Yet still, deep down you know she still wants something for her special day.  I have to admit, I am running out of ideas.  One time I took the kids to a local arts and crafts shop where … [Read more...]

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