
Top 10 Tech Christmas Gift Ideas for Moms 2017

    Merry Christmas!  Moms do a lot for their families.  They often put family members first above themselves. This year's tech Christmas gift ideas include ideas for family fun, different ways to interact and store family pictures, a remarkable product to help with stress, get rid of those nagging pains, and even … [Read more...]

Virtual Reality for Kids

  Virtual Reality (VR) is gaining more steam.  According to Digi-Capital, as reported by The Motley Fool, the virtual reality market could reach $30 billion within 4 years...that's amazing!  Sales are expected to come from videos, games, and VR headsets. To make VR affordable, Google created Google Cardboard, which is a … [Read more...]

3 Unique USB Chargers to Power Your Devices

  There is a lot of innovation in technology these days.  It never ceases to amaze me what innovators dream up next.  You wouldn't think there is much that can be done with USB chargers that doesn't already exist...but there is! We recently tested three very creative USB chargers whose companies are thinking outside of the box … [Read more...]

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