
Dorm Tech Hacks – Amp Up the Experience!

  Last month, we wrote about some great gadgets in our Back-to-School Guide for high school students and college students.  I recently saw a picture on Facebook of my friend's freshmen son's desk in his dorm.  It was all tech'd out with a great computer and 3 PC monitors!   Two things we know about college … [Read more...]

Power in a Snap – Decluttering Your Outlets

  Decluttering Your Outlets I am always looking for things that will help de-clutter and simplify my life. We have a ton of electronic devices around the house and there are just as many cords to go with them making a mess out of my kitchen counter. In addition to the cords, there is also a power supply that goes with many of them. In … [Read more...]

Phone Memory Full? 3 Ways to Increase Phone Storage

  Smartphones allow you to always have a camera with you.  We can capture moments we never could before and as a result, we are taking up to thousands of pictures a year and keeping them in our phone storage.  By the end of 2016, it is estimated over 1,138 trillion photos will be taken this year.  In 2013, total photos … [Read more...]

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