
Who Says You Can’t Be a Super Hero?

by Lori Cunningham




Have you ever wanted to be a super hero?  Well, if not you, how about your child?  The new Kinect Rush for the XBOX 360 gives you and your child the chance to be a superhero…Disney style!  As per the Kinect Rush website, you can…

Become a superspy in Cars,

Save the day as a robot in Toy Story,

Adventure through Paris as a clever rat in Ratatouille,

Stop the Omnidroid as a superhero in The Incredibles, and

Help Karl as an intrepid Wilderness Explorer in Up.


Phew, all in a day’s work!  This is a fun and entertaining game that will challenge your kids, delight them, and…wear them out!  Honestly, that’s my favorite part about the game!  No couch potato video gamers in our house!


What’s In A Game?

Well, in Kinect Rush, there’s a lot!  There’s something for everyone.   XBOX Kinect makes you feel in the game as if you are running along with some of your favorite characters.  The best way to tell you about the game is to show you, so I snapped a lot of pictures to give you an idea of the gameplay.


You start out in a park called Pixar Park where you can explore different areas and play games.  As you run around the park, you find that there is a Cars, Toy Story, Ratatouille, Incredibles, and Up! area to check out.  At each landing area, there is a kid to explain the game you’re about to embark upon and what your goal is.  You can play solo or a friend can play along with you, in split-screen fashion.


In Cars, you put your hands out and drive as if you are holding a steering wheel.  The concept is easy to understand, though steering can still be as difficult as with other driving games.  You get the opportunity to drive in different environments, each with their own challenges.


credit: http://marketplace.xbox.com 

Toy Story

My kids enjoyed playing the Toy Story game.  Kinect does a good job at showing them what to do to get past certain obstacles, such as balancing, climbing rock walls, and throwing batteries.



Ratatouille is a lot of fun.  You start to see the world through the eyes of a rat.  You can scamper by a lady sweeping her porch, collect coins along the rooftops, and journey in undergrounds most humans never see.  Ratatouille was one of my favorite games in Kinect Rush.


The Incredibles

Now you feel like a true superhero.  If only my legs were as long and slender as these heroes in real-life!  The Incredibles challenges put you in some pretty tight spots and unique adventures.




Up! kept my son and his friend entertained for hours.  They were constantly running as they went through a number of obstacles to try to save the Up! house from flying away.  They literally fell on the floor with exhausting after one particularly trying episode.  It was a crack up to watch them.


Pros:  Kinect Rush provides a lot of challenges that keep you entertained.  It’s a great way to play along with some of your favorite Disney characters and interact with them in ways you could never do before.  I love the running activities and coordination Kinect Rush provides – this is terrific for kids.  The adventures are fun and definitely challenging.  Also, if an adventure is too challenging, Kinect Rush will give you the option to skip it and move on after it detects you are having difficulties.

Cons:  Unfortunately, because of the running nature of some of the games, it is easy to get out of the view of the Kinect camera.  Often times, it’s not a big deal, a message flashes and you move back.  But there were several times where you’re off the screen completely and you have to hold your arm up to try to get back in the game.  This is very frustrating, especially when you’re buddy is still going and getting way ahead of you.  I’m afraid this happened far too many times, which vastly decreased my kids’ excitement for the game.  Also, the Cars game was too difficult for my 6 and 9 year old’s.  Fortunately, they enjoyed the other games.

Honestly, I think Kinect Rush delivers a great family, adventure-bound game.  I’m just not sure Kinect is up for the challenge.  Kinect Rush sells for $49.02 at Amazon.com with free super shipping.




*  I was given a copy of Kinect Rush in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.

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