My 11-year-ld daughter and I have been playing a different kind of game lately, it's an app called Quandary. It's designed to teach and practice, not skills like mathematics, reading, social studies, etc. The Quandary app (and website) is designed to help kids develop critical thinking, decision making, and … [Read more...]
Why the Kindle Fire HDX Tablet is Right for Your Family
With so many tablet choices out there, how do you choose the best one for your family? We have seen and used a wide variety of tablets and the most important thing to remember is to go with a name brand. There are a number of cheaper choices available now from companies we have never heard of before. Our experience with these cheaper choices has … [Read more...]
Which Apps Are Best for Your Children?
We have ESRB ratings for video games and the Motion Picture Rating System (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) for movies, but what ratings do we have for apps? From toddlers to teens, it would be helpful to know which apps will help to educate, entertain, and stimulate our kids without worry of inappropriate content, in-app purchases, and … [Read more...]
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