
Shocking! How We Use Our Smartphones!

Feb. 2016+


A Little History

Before we show you how we use our smartphones, we want to give you a little smartphone history.  You’re familiar with the name Tesla…Tesla cars were first debuted by Elon Musk in 2012.  Ever wonder where Musk got the name Tesla?  Nikola Tesla conceptualized telephony and computing way back in 1909…the beginnings of the first smartphone can be attributed to his ideas.  Tesla borrows these concepts and brings them into the automobile.

According to Wikipedia, in 1971 and 1974 Theodore Paraskevakos furthered Tesla’s concepts by patenting them and he brought about the first concepts of intelligence, data processing and display screens.  The PDA became popular in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s.

Blackberry was the first to introduce an integrated data/telephony phone in 2002.  But it wasn’t until early 2007 when Apple introduced the iPhone that consumers became interested.  Apple introduced the touchscreen and they way we communicate with people and data has never been the same since.  Android and Windows followed suit with their smartphones beginning in 2008.


How We Use Our Smartphones

Are you aware how often you check your phone? Or how much time you spend on your phone a day?  Did you know that smartphone users watch 80 million hours of YouTube a day?  Or that they send out 380 million tweets a day?  It’s surprising we have time for work with all of our busyness on our smartphones!  How we use our smartphones and how vital they are to our daily life is fascinating.

We send out 27 billion text messages out a day?  Can you imagine?  And 610 million of those texts include a picture.  A large percentage of Americans even bring their phone into the  bathroom…are you one of them? See our How We Use Our Smartphones infographic below for a very interesting look at how we are using our smartphones to communicate to each other in a very busy world.

Smartphone: How We Use Them

Co-produced by :Rebateszone & The Well Connected Mom

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